How To Understand Audio Quality Formats (WAV, MP3, FLAC)
Getting ready to render your latest masterpiece away from its host file type and into something you can play online, in the car, or at home?
Getting ready to render your latest masterpiece away from its host file type and into something you can play online, in the car, or at home?
The Flanger and Phaser effects now considered a modulation effect and sometimes as pitch modulating effects are still rooted as time based effects. While both effects are respectably similar they are [...]
Image by Gavin Whitner via MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. MIDI is a way to connect devices that can control sound. Having a computer and controlling it with a key[...]
You have the talent, you have the gear, you invested the time, and now you have completed a song, an album, or a beat pack. The money should start rolling in, right? Wrong. Now it is time to put in mo[...]
Who doesn’t like free? Long gone are the days where you had to fork over thousands of dollars to create quality music. Especially for beginners, why invest so much money into something you have never [...]
In the world of audio production its good to know about the latest and greatest gear. We have compiled a list featuring some of the newest technology to help you produce music. This list covers both t[...]
Think how it would sound to be behind of or in front of a drum kit. What if it all just came through a tube pointed at your face as one sound, despite the use of multiple pieces ?
The last article we dedicated to Ableton. Now its time for FL Studio from Image-Line. In this article, we will take a brief look at FL Studio and I will show you how to get started producing music. FL[...]
This article has only one topic and one purpose. Ableton.
Our very own Roman himself had a chance to stand waterside and have a chat with Dutch DJ Jay Hardway at ADE 2018. Jay tells Roman how he uses primarily FL Studio and trusts his ears for what sounds go[...]
Ah, Latency.. It's that split second of irritating delay between the sound you make and the sound you hear. This occurs in milliseconds and for some it can go unnoticed. For others it is a common prob[...]
"Sample packs are the secret weapon of the pros and W.A. Production covers everything from catchy loops and midi files to sick sylenth presets!"“I use W. A. Production’s samples in a lot of my tracks, they are very high quality and great help when needing some inspiration! Highly recommend them!““W. A. Production has some great libraries! If you’re looking for some high quality samples, check out their banks!““We love W. A. stuff, because compiling great samples and libraries is very important to our production. We use many W. A. libraries. They are one of the best companies on the market.““I love the fresh sounds and samples from W. A. Production. They are fantastic!“"WA production samples has a lot of good quality sounds to choose from. x_O""WA sounds and plugins are really dope, we recommend them to all ambicious producers!""Great collection of samples and sounds. Will definitely use many of them!""Tons of quality Samples & Presets! Really helpful for sparking inspiration or adding variety to your music!" A. Production have been used in most of our top tracks! We definitely approve & recommend them to up and coming producers!"Big thanks to W. A. Production for having some of the best samples & sounds available onlie, They've definitely been part of some of my tracks. I recommend them to all upcoming producers""We think that the W. A. samples are really necessary if you want to do a massive track! Also the Sylenth1 and Spire Sound Libraries are so fresh! Great job guys!""We love how much variety and diversity WA Production samples bring to our projects, we have found much inspiration from the packs. All of the samples are of high quality and are completely current into today's "EDM" market.""Loving the packs from W.A production because of the great quality of the sounds! With these samples it immediately makes your productions sound more clean and professional!""WA production have some of the best samples and sounds in the world. The programing and kits are top notch and sound like tracks which are on the Beatport Charts . I also love the diversity in the samples and styles they have.""Big shout out to WA Productions!!..Using some of their sample and preset packs!!..Quality stuff!!""I used WA Production sounds in almost every 22Bullets production, where my creativity starts"© 2022 W. A. Production All Rights Reserved
"Sample packs are the secret weapon of the pros and W.A. Production covers everything from catchy loops and midi files to sick sylenth presets!"“I use W. A. Production’s samples in a lot of my tracks, they are very high quality and great help when needing some inspiration! Highly recommend them!““W. A. Production has some great libraries! If you’re looking for some high quality samples, check out their banks!““We love W. A. stuff, because compiling great samples and libraries is very important to our production. We use many W. A. libraries. They are one of the best companies on the market.““I love the fresh sounds and samples from W. A. Production. They are fantastic!“"WA production samples has a lot of good quality sounds to choose from. x_O""WA sounds and plugins are really dope, we recommend them to all ambicious producers!""Great collection of samples and sounds. Will definitely use many of them!""Tons of quality Samples & Presets! Really helpful for sparking inspiration or adding variety to your music!" A. Production have been used in most of our top tracks! We definitely approve & recommend them to up and coming producers!"Big thanks to W. A. Production for having some of the best samples & sounds available onlie, They've definitely been part of some of my tracks. I recommend them to all upcoming producers""We think that the W. A. samples are really necessary if you want to do a massive track! Also the Sylenth1 and Spire Sound Libraries are so fresh! Great job guys!""We love how much variety and diversity WA Production samples bring to our projects, we have found much inspiration from the packs. All of the samples are of high quality and are completely current into today's "EDM" market.""Loving the packs from W.A production because of the great quality of the sounds! With these samples it immediately makes your productions sound more clean and professional!""WA production have some of the best samples and sounds in the world. The programing and kits are top notch and sound like tracks which are on the Beatport Charts . I also love the diversity in the samples and styles they have.""Big shout out to WA Productions!!..Using some of their sample and preset packs!!..Quality stuff!!""I used WA Production sounds in almost every 22Bullets production, where my creativity starts" here is our Regular License. You are able to use this particular license to learn and or to add some elements in your track. You may only use this for a non profit media background.
This here is out Commercial License. You are able to use this particular license in you app, video and or compilations. Wav & MP3 included.
This here is our Full License. This particular license is sold only once to a single user or a single company. Resell the rights to the master, renaming the master, releasing on a record label under your name, distribute or resell the project files and or register the copyrights under yourself or a company.
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